Have you ever ordered dessert first or instead of a meal? I do every once in a while, just because it makes me feel good. One of my favorite desserts ever is the chocolate souffle cake at California Pizza Kitchen. Those that know me well know that California Pizza Kitchen in Walnut Creek, CA...CPK...is one of my favorite hang outs. Great staff, yummy food, and a chill place to hang out and read a book or catch up with friends. Their chocolate souffle cake (with vanilla ice cream, of course) is sinfully delicious. Once every couple of months I order it as my lunch or dinner. Soooo delicious and makes me feel so good!

After all, dessert must make you feel good; otherwise why would you crave it?
I know I can't eat this every day. I don't even want to. But having it once every couple of months won't hurt my health or my waistline.
In fact, I've lost 35 pounds in the past 15 months just by listening to what my body and mind is craving--skating, healthy food, yoga, making jewelry, and, yes, sometimes even chocolate souffle cake. I feel better than I have in years. So I'm not about to start arguing with my "deep wise mind." The occasional dessert is an important destressor for me.
"Stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts." Coincidence? I think not!
There are other ways we can "treat" ourselves...a new book, a new candle for your home, jewelry, a fine bottle of wine. Letting yourself indulge in an occasional splurge may be just the mental and physical respite you need in your hectic life.
Last week was an especially busy week for me. I had my first jewelry trunk show of the season (okay, I know nobody wants to think of this time of year as the start of any "season" but do you realize that Christmas is now only 90 days away, Chanukah only 73 days, Kwanzaa only 91 days, and Festivus only 88 days?!). I also had several personal challenges piled on top of a busy time jewelry-wise. The result: not enough time for exercise, sleep, or eating right and a little too much time for cookies and chocolate.
I got to thinking, how can I feel like I'm giving myself a treat that is actually good for me? Today I found the answer...go skating. After a busy day today, I felt like I still had too many tasks ahead of me and not enough time...certainly no time to spare for skating. But that's exactly what I did--strapped on my skates and took a short but intense skate along the Lafayette-Moraga Trail. It actually felt kind of sinful...like I was doing something I couldn't quite justify. And you know what? It was exactly the indulgence I needed. By the end of 30 minutes, the endorphins were flowing and my heart was soaring. Yeee-haaaa!
And what's not to like? The early-fall evening was sunny and warm. The waxing moon was just rising over Bollinger Canyon. The bells of Saint Mary's College were pealing sweetly. The sky was clear. The dogs, runners, walkers, and bikers were friendly. My iPhone camera doesn't do it justice, but here it is:
So remember to treat yourself with some kind of "dessert" on a regular basis--a nap, a cappuccino, a small purchase, or time for yourself to exercise. Moderate your indulgences, but not too much! Just remember what Julia Child said:
“Everything in moderation... including moderation.”
Keep skating!
Nancie ♥