It's been a while since I posted a new entry here. I do want to tell you about how my 2013 "Intentions" went (NOT resolutions!) and what Intentions I'm setting for 2014 (hint: one of them involves being more on time!). First, though, I want to tell you about my Gratitude Jar.
A couple of years ago, I saw a post on Facebook about creating a Gratitude Jar. I liked the idea of filling the jar throughout the year with scraps of paper to remember and record the many blessings in my life. At the end of the year, you can read the slips of paper and remind yourself all you have to be thankful for.

In 2012, I started my own gratitude jar. Naturally, the artist in me picked a beautiful vase in my favorite blue color instead of just a plain old jar! It makes me happy just to look at it!
This week I removed the 2013 papers and started reading them. Here is a random sampling of some of the things my jar reminded me to appreciate:
1. My pretty gratitude jar and my friend Bundy who first shared the Facebook post about creating one.
2. Maple syrup...the real stuff.
3. Learning how to back into a parking space. I don't mean parallel parking, I mean backing into a parking lot space between two other cars. In 2013 I consciously set out to get good at something I thought I didn't have the "knack" for. In fact, I noticed far more men than women park this way. More about that in a future post.
5. My friend Cheryl telling me about the Napa Skating 1/2 Marathon, which I never would have competed in if she hadn't spurred me on. I'm definitely planning on doing it again this year. Anyone want to join me?
6. My chiropractor Dr. Nicole Toenjes...yes, she's very good and keeps my body feeling flexible and strong:
Lotus Integrative Wellness3708 Mount Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549
Phone: 925-283-6900
Lotus Integrative Wellness3708 Mount Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549
Phone: 925-283-6900
8. Getting a tattoo with my dear friend Gail...yes, you heard right! At the ripe "old" age of 56, I am no longer a tattoo virgin.

9. New inline skates that I love as much as my old favorites. I've logged 307 miles on them since I got them.
10. Having readers comment on my blog...the feedback is warmly received!
I already started my 2014 gratitude jar, which doesn't really involve any action on my part other than emptying last year's papers and adding new ones.
As far as skating, I'm still getting out there, but not so much as last year. I've skated four times in 2014 so far, which is more regularly than what I managed in December. It's got to be okay for me to skate more sometimes and less sometimes. I'll get back into it more regularly in time.
Until then, I'm striving towards more balance. I'm back at my regular yoga class, trying to go to bed earlier, and looking forward to longer days of sunshine. No complaints about the weather here in Northern California (especially in a drought year with so many clear days!) but the short days do leave me feeling funky at times nonetheless.
What are you grateful for? And what are you doing to chase the winter blues away?
Keep skating (or whatever you do)!
Nancie ♥
My last skate:
Skate #4 of ?
4.25 miles
Iron Horse Trail
Alamo, CA
Nancie Zimmerman