Sunday, November 17, 2013

Wheels for Meals Ride: The Conclusion

Hello, friends!

If you missed part 1 of my story about skating in a Meals on Wheels fundraiser click here.  Or, just jump right into the middle of the story--I'll recap it below:

To recap: 

- Last month I signed up to skate in a Meals on Wheels Alameda County fundraiser (click here), which started off in Shadow Cliffs Park in Pleasanton.
- It was a bicycling event, but one of the organizers, Jessica Albonico, told me that skaters were welcome.
- I decided to skate the shortest distance which was 15 miles, longer than I had ever skated

My husband Marty accompanied me in case I needed to bail partway though the event.  I really doubted that I could finish, but I was determined to give it my best shot.  

As I mentioned in my last blog, it was a beautiful, sunny fall day--cool in the morning but with a promise of warmer temperatures as the day wore on.  I left the park and headed out on a bike path that was the beginning of the course, realizing after about a mile or so that I had left my wrist guards in my car.  This realization made me feel a bit more tentative, a bit more cautious, but also added to my excitement.  

The dozens of bicyclists that passed me were all encouraging and supportive.  "How far are you going to skate?" many of them asked.  To each one I answered, "My goal is the entire 15 miles.  I'm going to see how it goes!"  

There is something so exciting about being part of a mass exercise event.  I discovered it for the first time over the summer when I skated a 1/2 marathon in Napa Valley, and again when I "ran" in the Moraga Fun Run on the Fourth of July.  Now I know why all of my running friends participate in races and other events.  The energy of the crowd combined with, in this case, supporting a worthy cause, just got me all pumped up. 

The course was smooth and well marked.  Despite this, what would be considered a smooth surface to bike, walk, or run on, would not be considered so smooth for my tiny inline wheels.  Nevertheless, it was as smooth as I expect skating on roads, bumpy curb cut-outs, and bike paths  to be.  That is, the bumps are challenging, but in a way that I like--it makes me work to stay relaxed and balanced.  That is part of what I like about skating...that it provides challenges that will I will never totally overcome.

Around mile 3, I was hitting my stride...warmed up, starting to feel some endorphins, pumped up by the crowds of bikers passing by me, and encouraged by the volunteers manning the course and directing the riders.  The course veered off the bike path and through residential neighborhoods.  

Fortunately, the course was well marked, because about mile 4 I realized that I had lost my course map!  At that point there were enough riders that I could just follow the crowd.  Around mile 5, there was a rest stop with water, fruit, and other snacks.  I was well provisioned with my Camelbak of water and my Gu energy gel, but I stopped at the rest stop anyway to catch my breath and regroup.  I was glad I stopped because I so enjoyed talking to the volunteers and participants.  One young man that I talked to was marveling that I expected to skate the entire 15 miles.  He said to me, "Wow, you must be almost 50 years old!"  Well, I'm a few years beyond that milestone, and I have to admit, it gave me a charge thinking that some of the younger folks were extra impressed that an "old lady" would tackle (and hopefully master) this challenge.

Another woman was telling me of a "enormous hill" coming up ahead.  "Will you be able to handle it?" she wondered.  I replied that I actually like to skate hills quite a bit, downhill more than uphill, but inside I reflected upon my missing wrist guards and wondered just how "enormous" this "enormous hill" was!  

Around mile 6, I was skating down a slight downhill when I noticed some volunteers motioning to me about a left turn.  I thought it was for one of the longer distances (the days event also had 2 longer bicycling options: 35 and 70 miles) and I skated past the turn.  To tell you the truth, I was coasting nicely downhill and didn't want to lose my momentum stopping to ask, so I continued straight ahead.

After a bit more than 1/2 mile, I realized that there were no longer any bicycles passing me, and I was beginning to realize I had made a mistake by not making the turn, so I called my husband, who had a copy of the course map.  He confirmed that I had missed my turn.  Reluctantly, I did an about face and skated back uphill towards my missed turn.  

My error cost me an additional 1.5 miles, so the 15 mile skate that I was unsure of being able to finish now had become a 16.5 mile skate!  I felt like a bit of a dope but plodded on.  In the back of my mind I kept telling myself, "Just do your best.  Keep skating as long as you can.  Just take 1 mile at a time."

We made it to the top of the hill!
Mile 8 found me back on a bike path and climbing a fairly steep and long hill.  I had to pause a few times on the way up to catch my breath, but I felt heartened by the number of bikers who had to dismount and walk their bikes up the hill.  At the top of the hill I was rewarded by a spectacular view of Pleasanton and the surrounding areas.  The downhill wound through vineyards and a llama farm.  So exhilarating!  Yee-haaaa!  A little nerve wracking when I reached the street at the bottom of the hill and had to keep myself from falling.  Again, I kept flashing on my missing wrist guards!

Sweaty me at the top of thill
By the time I reached mile 10, I was beginning to feel my confidence grow.  I had already gone more than half the distance, including the biggest hill on the course.  I passed by the second rest stop without stopping, feeling eager to finish the course and well fueled with my Camelbak for water and my Gu energy gel.  

The last 5 miles or so were mostly along city streets, some a bit busier than I would prefer, but nothing too challenging.  As I made the last turn back towards the park, I texted my husband to let him know I was almost finished.  He met me at the end of the course and cheered me on as I finished.  What a great feeling!  I had finished the course!

My Nike + Running app clocked my time and distance at 16.5 miles in 2 hours 12 minutes.  It was the longest time and distance I have ever skated. 

Cleaned up and resting on my laurels

As I changed out of my sweaty skating clothes and skates, I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.  I said to my husband, "I feel like a beast for having done that!"  He replied, "You ARE a beast!"  I was on a high for days afterwards! 

What I liked about this event:

There are not too many organized skates, so I was happy to be able to participate in this event.  The money raised went to a great cause, Meals on Wheels Alameda County (link), and made me feel like I was part of something greater than just my own experience that day.  Being part of an organized sporting event is a thrill that I hadn't known until this year.  

I also liked the opportunity to push myself beyond my preconceived limits. Before this event, I didn't know how far I could skate, especially without the training I thought I needed.   I'm reminded over and over that accomplishing something big is sometimes just a matter of starting down a path and not stopping when things get a bit tough.  When a challenge presents itself--no wrist guards, going off course, having an equipment malfunction, feeling tired and discouraged--giving up is one choice but not the only choice.  Better still is to realize that you always have an alternative choice--you can choose instead to continue on anyway despite the obstacles.  

Would I do it again next year?

Yes, in a heartbeat.  This event was very well organized and attended.  The course was well marked and staffed.  Everyone was friendly.  It was a great location.  As I mentioned earlier, there are not too many events that I can do as a skater, so I appreciate being welcome to join in on the Wheels for Meals Ride 2013.  

Count me in for Wheels for Meals Ride 2014!  Maybe some of you would like to join me...on a bike or on skates!

Next time I'll have my wrist guards!

A shout out to the following people:

- Jessica Albonico for organizing a great event and welcoming me to participate as a skater
- Karen Kelly, Jessica's mom, who was so encouraging to me
- Marty Giedlin, my husband and biggest supporter
- Cathy Behm for advising me to start at my own pace and to just skate my own event
- Tricia Vaughan for moral support, advice, and for giving me my first tube of Gu energy gel
- my Aunt Marie Piacine for being a faithful supporter of my blog
- my skating buddies Cynthia McLoughlin, Kristine Hubner, Irline Van Ardenne, & Cheryl Ogren (aka Jayne Clobber)

Keep skating (or whatever you do)!


This skate:

Skate #143 of 200
16.5 miles
Pleasanton, CA

My last skate:
Skate #156 of 200
4.56 miles
UC Davis campus
Davis, CA

Nancie Zimmerman
NamiZuni Jewelry Design
Expressing Your Inner Goddess

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wheels for Meals Got Me Rolling Again!

Hello, friends!

My Kangoo Jumps are fun, don't get me wrong (check out my previous blog here), but skating is still the exercise I'm most passionate about.  It's just fun, fun, fun.  Even when I don't feel like exercising, once I strap on my skates, my helmet, and my wrist guards (yeah, still no knee pads...I've got to get a pair!), pick a playlist on my phone, and start my Nike + Running app to track my mileage, I'm off and running and it's pure magic.  Skating is the closet thing I get to losing the constraints of my body and almost feel like I'm flying.  It's dancing and exercise and thrills and happiness all rolled up in one.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the occasion to participate in a fundraiser for Meals on Wheels Alameda County (Check them out here).  One of the organizers, Jessica Albonico, is a friend of mine.  The event was a bike event, but several roller derby women were going to skate the shortest distance, 15 miles.  Once Jessica told me about it, I thought, "What the heck, I'll give it a go!"  

Me with my event number attached to my Camelbak
Over the summer when I did my 1/2 marathon skating race in Napa Valley, I spread the news wide and far prior to the race.  Some equipment challenges coupled with it being my first race meant that the race was far harder than I thought it would be.  Nonetheless, it was big fun.

This time, I kept the event mostly to myself.  For one thing, this event was longer (the 1/2 marathon was 13.1 miles, this was 15 miles).  For another thing, I wasn't sure how skate-friendly the course was going to be.  And, probably most importantly, I doubted my ability to complete the 15 miles, so I didn't want to broadcast it too much ahead of time only to have to admit later that I hadn't been able to conquer it.   Just an ego thing, I guess.

Then on top of all those issues, I had a nasty case of bronchitis two weeks before the event, so I hadn't been training like I wanted (or needed).

Nevertheless, the morning of October 19 dawned bright, early, and sunny.  My faithful husband, Marty, accompanied me to the event, which started at Shadow Cliffs Park in Pleasanton.  Marty is one of my biggest champions, so it was great to have him along.  He planned on walking/running on some of the hiking trails around the park while I skated.  He was also available to come pick me up should I decide along the 15 miles that I was ready to pack it in and couldn't finish!

My friend Cathy, an avid cyclist, had advised me before my 1/2 marathon to start out slow, find my own pace.  Sadly, despite my best intentions, I didn't take her advice for my 1/2 marathon and it cost me in terms of my stamina halfway through that event.  This time I was determined to listen to her wisdom, start out slow, go at my own pace, find my own rhythm.  

Because the Wheels for Meals event wasn't timed, there wasn't a mass start.  Once I registered, I was free to start at my leisure within a one-hour window.  This meant that I wouldn't get caught in a frenzy of bicycles that would be zooming past me--I was free to start off at my own pace.

Usually when I skate, I have several pieces of key equipment, which I put on in the same specific order every time so that I don't forget anything:

- my headphones
- my helmet
- my socks
- my skates (of course!)
- my wrist guards
- my iPhone (for tunes and to keep track of my mileage)

(I know, I know, I really need to add kneepads to the list!)

For this event I added a Camelbak which contained water and several tubes of Gu (an energy gel for long workouts...Thanks, Tricia!  Click here for info about Gu).  I guess these two equipment additions combined with the excitement of the event threw me off my regular routine and I forgot to put on my wrist guards, a fact that I only realized about 2 miles into the event!  I didn't want to turn around, which would have added 4 miles to the skate, and Marty was off on his run/walk, so I just kept skating on without them.

In the back of my mind, however, I kept flashing back to my bad fall in my 1/2 marathon race over the summer and to my training fall just a week before this event.  A fall without my wrist guards could easily result in a broken bone.  I was quite anxious skating without this key piece of equipment, and this strangely just added to my excitement.  As my son points out, fear and excitement produce the same exact chemical response in ones body, so I try to enjoy the excitement that that scary/anxious feeling produces.  It doesn't always work, but that is definitely one of the aspects I like about skating...feeling slightly on the edge and almost--but not quite--out of control. 

A word to any of you that think you might like to try skating:
If you don't like the excitement that comes 
from being a bit off kilter in your body, 
you probably will NOT like skating!

How did my event go?  To be continued... Click here for the conclusion
Here's a teaser...
I at least made it to the top of this hill!
Here's a "selfie" of me at the top of the hill

Keep skating (or whatever you do)!


My last skate:
Skate #153 of 200
5.19 miles
Iron Horse Trail
Alamo, CA

My last time on my Kangoo Jumps:
Kangoo Jump #3 of ?
1.51 miles
Iron Horse Trail
Alamo, CA

Nancie Zimmerman
NamiZuni Jewelry Design
Expressing Your Inner Goddess